Make the most of your gift.
Log in to MyInnovia, a secure online resource that helps to manage your relationship with the fund and Innovia Foundation. You can view fund information, documents and activity as well as download statements and/or recommend grants.
Biography and Values Questionnaire
Customize Your Give Now Page
Donor Recognition
We celebrate our Lifetime Benefactors and Legacy Society members every October at the Annual Reception.* We hope you will join us to celebrate your generosity!
*Should you choose to remain anonymous, your name will not be listed in announcements or other Lifetime Benefactor and Legacy Society materials.
The fund founders and fund advisors can contact Innovia to gain access to the fund. Innovia will share log in and password information for authorized users of the fund.
Navigate to MyInnovia and select Donor Login. You will use the username and password provided to you. Once you enter your credentials, you will be asked to authenticate your account with a phone number we have on file. For trouble with accessing your MyInnovia account, reach out to core-team@innovia.org.
Check that the number added is the 7-digit number from the text message, not the 5-digit number.
The fund advisor or fund founder may add additional users to the fund account by submitting a written request. We may request additional documentation of approval when needed, such as board resolution or meeting minutes.
In MyInnovia, select My Profile on the left–hand menu. You can make updates to addresses, emails and phone numbers. To change your personal information, please reach out to core-team@innovia.org.
In MyInnovia, select My Profile on the left-hand menu. Select change password. You will enter your old password and select a new password. To change your log in email, please reach out to core-team@innovia.org.
Forgot your password? You can reset your password at any time from the MyInnovia login page.
On the left-hand menu, you will select recommend a grant. You can select from the Manage My Grantees or Search for a Grantee. If you have trouble finding the organization, please reach out to core-team@innovia.org. This option is only available for donor-advised funds.
The Innovia Foundation Core-Team is here to help. Contact us at core-team@innovia.org or 509-624-2606.
Innovia Foundation offers a range of fund types and services to enhance the impact of your charitable giving. Below you will find all the valuable information for fund founders and fund advisors for the specific fund you manage. If you would like to learn more about establishing a new fund with Innovia, visit our gift planning page below.
Select the fund type from the drop down for specific information and resources regarding your fund.
Donor-advised funds make distributions based on recommendations from the fund’s donor-advisor/s. These funds can support 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organizations, churches, schools, tribes or cities/towns for public charitable purposes. Donors may choose to appoint advisors in addition to themselves.
To ensure all donor-advised funds remain active, in the event that a grant recommendation has not been made from the fund during the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30), Innovia will designate a $250 grant to the Partnership Fund. We provide special recognition to our Partnership Fund donors at our Annual Reception each year. Contributions to the Partnership Fund allow us to keep our fees at a minimum, as well as support the work of Innovia to transform lives and communities in our region.
- Making a grant recommendation to a public charity:
- When making recommendations, you will identify the name of the charitable organization, grant purpose and grant amount. Innovia will conduct the due diligence process to ensure the recommendation is in compliance with charitable policies.
- Learn more here about making a grant recommendation to a fund at Innovia.
Below are several resources for founders and advisors of donor-advised funds.
- Donor-Advised MyInnovia Guide
- Donor-Advised Policies
- Donor-Advised Guide to Grantmaking
- Grant Recommendation Form
June 20 is the annual deadline for active grantmaking. If no grant recommendation is received by this date, Innovia will initiate a $250 grant to the Innovia Partnership Fund.
Designated Funds provide annual distributions to the organization(s) or charitable program(s) identified in the fund agreement in perpetuity. Annual Distributions are processed each quarter based on the fund agreement or fund type.
Designated Fund Resources & Deadlines:
- August – 1st Quarter Distributions Processed
- September 15 – Last day to add to fund’s ATS for fiscal year distributions.
- October/November – 2nd Quarter Distributions Processed (Default)
- February – 3rd Quarter Distributions Processed
- April – 4th Quarter Distributions Processed
Nonprofit Funds are created by the nonprofit for its own benefit. A Nonprofit Fund makes annual distributions to the organization to support its general charitable purposes, or a specific purpose defined in the fund agreement.
Nonprofit Fund Resources & Deadlines:
- Special Services for Nonprofits
- Spring – Available to Spend “ATS” letters mailed to notify of the next fiscal year distribution
- August – Annual Distributions Processed
- End of November – FASB
Scholarship Funds help students from Eastern Washington and North Idaho attend colleges, universities or vocational schools in the region or, with certain scholarships, attend school outside the region.
Scholarship Fund Resources & Deadlines:
- November 1 – Last Day to add additional funds into ATS for scholarships in the upcoming spring.
- December 1 – Scholarship applications open.
- March 1 – Scholarship applications close.
- May – Innovia Foundation Board approves the selected candidates.
- May through June – Announcements are made to award recipients.
- June through August – Recipients confirm school and enrollment. Checks are mailed to the school and designated for tuition, fees and books.
Designated Scholarship Funds provide annual distributions to a high school, college, or university for scholarship purposes. The school administers the scholarship process and selection of recipients. Schools are required to provide Innovia with the recipient information prior to receiving their distribution.
- November 1 – Last Day to add additional funds into ATS for scholarships in the upcoming spring.
- December – Schools are notified the amount available for scholarship awards
- June 15 – Deadline for schools to provide scholarship recipient information.
Community Funds are discretionary endowed funds flexible in their ability to meet emergent needs and support high-impact community initiatives across our region. Distributions from Community Funds are pooled to increase the overall giving power through community grant programs and regional initiatives.
Area-of Interest funds restrict distributions to a specific area of community need (such as education, health or the arts) or region. Distributions from Area of Interest Funds are pooled to increase the overall giving power through community grant programs and regional initiatives.
Area of Interest (AOI) Funds with Liaison
AOI funds with liaison are advised funds that restrict the distributions to a specific area of community need or region. The fund liaison submits recommendations to Innovia in writing, using Innovia’s Disbursement Recommendation Form. Online grant recommendations are not allowed for this fund type.
Future Funds are ideal for families and individuals who want to specify how their assets should be distributed after their lifetimes. Donors establish Future Funds to receive their assets from a will or trust and personally communicate how their charitable contributions will forever benefit their favorite charities.
Endowment Funds vs. Pass-Through Funds
Endowed Funds
Endowment funds have an invested principal, and a portion of the investment earnings is available to spend (ATS) for annual grantmaking. ATS amounts are calculated based on Innovia's Endowment Distribution Policy and the fund agreement. Endowed gifts become a part of the community foundation’s permanent endowment, providing benefits for our community forever.
Pass-Through Funds
Pass-through funds are non-endowed gifts held in a money market or similar account. Innovia retains any interest earned to support our work. The fund balance is available for grantmaking at any time during the year.
Gifts to the Fund
There are many ways to give to funds at Innovia.
- Give online through your MyInnovia account.
- Checks payable to Innovia Foundation with the fund name in the memo line.
- Securities can be made using the Innovia Foundation Securities Transfer Form. A copy should be provided to your financial advisor and Innovia Foundation's CFOO.
- Insurance policies and retirement funds can list Innovia as the direct beneficiary, noting the fund name.
- Bank or brokerage accounts can list Innovia as the "Transfer on Death (TOD) Beneficiary," noting the fund name.
- Will and other estate planning documents can list Innovia as a beneficiary, noting the fund name.
- Transfers of real estate gifts or other planned gifts can be arranged by calling Innovia Foundation's Gift Planning Team at 509-624-2606.
Funding Your Charitable Legacy
Anyone can make a gift to an Innovia fund through the vehicles mentioned above or on our secure website by clicking Give Now. As irrevocable gifts to charity, contributions to the fund entitle donors to claim a tax deduction for income tax purposes. We acknowledge each gift received with a letter mailed to the donor. That letter serves as a receipt for tax purposes. A list of contributions to the fund can be viewed on your MyInnovia account.
Whether it is through your will or a simple beneficiary designation, your gifts of retirement fund assets, real estate or life insurance can help achieve your charitable legacy.
Sample Will Language
I, ______________, of ______________ County, ______________State, declare this to be my Last Will dated ______________. I give, devise and bequeath to Innovia Foundation, a Washington State nonprofit corporation, EIN 91-0941053 (Fill in the blank with one of the following three choices.)
- the sum of $______________ from my estate…
- _____% of the rest and remainder of my estate…
- all of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate…
to be added to the _________________(name of your endowment or other existing fund) as described in the fund agreement of that name.
If your gift is at least $10,000, you can establish your own named fund. You can also establish a future fund, with a gift that will be made at a later date. Your fund can benefit your favorite charity, a specific program or community or a defined area of interest. Innovia staff can help you develop a fund that fulfills your charitable intent.
Fund Documents & Resources
The disclosure of financial and legal information for Innovia Foundation can be found on our website. Investment fund performance is updated quarterly and made available on our website. Our returns are reported in net of investment management fees.
Our Partnership Fund
Each year, we invite fund founders to make a voluntary contribution to Innovia’s Partnership Fund, which supports our administrative operations.

We are here to help. Call us at 509-624-2606 or email us at giftplanning@innovia.org.
Learn more about our team and how we work.