
Innovia Foundation Receives $425,000 National Grant to Expand Rural LaunchNW and Community Heart & Soul Programs

Spokane, WA, July 15, 2024  A new philanthropic partnership called the Trust for Civic Life announced this week that it awarded one of its first grants to Innovia Foundation as part of an $8 million investment to strengthen rural communities across America. Innovia will receive $425,000 for its work supporting student and community success in rural areas through LaunchNW and the Community Heart & Soul® program. Innovia’s grant is one of 20 grants Trust for Civic Life awarded this year to innovative groups to bring people together through creative civic programs and help residents solve important problems in their communities. 

At a time when many Americans are pulling away from traditional participation in civic life, the Trust for Civic Life’s first round of grants supports community organizations like Innovia that are reinventing local civic programs and initiatives to meet the challenges facing their communities. Innovia will use the new grant to expand its rural initiatives including LaunchNW and Community Heart & Soul programs over the next three years.  

“LaunchNW and Community Heart & Soul offer rural communities, students and residents the opportunity to unite around shared challenges and possibilities,” says Shelly O’Quinn, CEO of Innovia Foundation. “This generous grant from Trust for Civic Life strengthens our capacity to partner with rural communities for greater economic vitality and long-term success.” 

LaunchNW, an initiative of Innovia, has been paving the way for students to build successful futures since 2019. The mission of the program is to galvanize entire communities to ensure children find belonging and travel their best journey from birth to career attainment. In rural areas, LaunchNW works alongside local leaders and community organizations to facilitate student learning and secure their ability to pursue post-high school education and careers, regardless of financial constraints. Learn more at 

Funding will also benefit the Community Heart & Soul program launched at Innovia this year. The program brings residents together through a non-partisan process to identify what they love most about their community, what they want for the future and how to achieve it. Open to communities with a population of less than 30,000, Community Heart & Soul employs three guiding principles: involve everyone, focus on what matters most, and play the long game. Selected communities will receive a $30,000 grant for up to two years. Learn more about the program at  

“Our new grantees are critical connectors and problem solvers in their communities. They are helping neighbors find common ground, solve local problems and improve the community for everyone in it,” said Charlie Brown, the Executive Director of Trust for Civic Life. “Community-led work is transforming American life for the better, and the Trust for Civic Life is proud to support its momentum with these new grants.”

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