Health and Wellbeing

Establishing a Safety Net for Elderly Residents: Waterford Residents Fund

Increasing numbers of older Americans must face the very real fear of outliving their financial resources. Every year, at least one resident at Touchmark on Spokane’s South Hill must uproot and move out simply because they have exhausted their funds. To ensure peace of mind for every resident who calls Touchmark home, the Touchmark Residents

Establishing a Safety Net for Elderly Residents: Waterford Residents Fund Read More »

Putting Holistic Solutions into Play: Lapwai School District #341

The city of Lapwai, Idaho, is located on the Nez Perce Indian Reservation and serves as the tribal government seat for the Nez Perce Tribe. Lapwai suffers from generational and situational poverty, which can wreak havoc on the physical and mental health of its residents. The town also needs facilities that proactively encourage physical, mental

Putting Holistic Solutions into Play: Lapwai School District #341 Read More »

“When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write a brave new ending.”—Brené Brown

The Healing Power of Stories: StoryCorps Stories not only reflect who we are as individuals and communities, they shape us as well. They help us understand ourselves, cultivate meaning in our lives, and bind us together by promoting greater understanding and revealing all the similarities we share. Recognizing the power and potential in stories, Innovia

“When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write a brave new ending.”—Brené Brown Read More »

Northport Community Preservation and Restoration: Reclaiming Waste, Restoring Hope

“Crisis is not too harsh a word to describe the problem of inadequate housing here at home,” says Mark Harding, president of Northport Community Preservation and Restoration (NCPR), located in Stevens County, Washington. Inadequate housing and waste stockpiling are two critical problems facing members of the Northport community. Thanks to NCPR’s ingenuity coupled with a

Northport Community Preservation and Restoration: Reclaiming Waste, Restoring Hope Read More »

Big Table Responds to Pandemic Needs

Quality service is service with a smile. This foundational principle of the restaurant and hospitality industry has become increasingly difficult to uphold for the thousands of workers facing COVID-fueled job cuts and health worries.  As a former chef in the restaurant industry and the current Spokane director for Big Table, Chris Dietz knows the pressure workers face all too well: “If that smile goes away, so does the money. It’s

Big Table Responds to Pandemic Needs Read More »

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