Transforming Our Community Together
To ignite generosity that transforms lives and communities.
Vibrant and sustainable communities where every person has the opportunity to thrive.
Innovia Foundation’s strategic framework focuses on a vision for the future of our region.
Our three strategic Focus areas are:
Ignite Generosity
Impact the Causes You Care About
We believe that generosity is the most powerful source of positive change to achieve our shared goals and values. As your community foundation, we increase opportunities for all people to give of their time, talent and resources to make our part of the world better. We partner with generous individuals, families, businesses and organizations to create vibrant and sustainable communities where every person has the opportunity to thrive.
Inspire a culture of generosity
From simple acts of kindness, to large transformational gifts, generosity inspires people to improve their communities and change lives. Everyone has something to give, and no one person can do this work alone. We will deliver clear, frequent and inclusive messaging that celebrates generosity and highlights our role in driving community transformation.
Develop deeper relationships with donors
Lasting relationships are built through shared purpose and earned trust. We honor the legacy of our donors by understanding their goals and values and working together to achieve visible results. We seek to know our donors and serve them with a dedication to operational excellence and personalized philanthropy.
Pursue innovative ways to increase assets across our region
We will offer innovative products and giving solutions to catalyze greater impact and inspire donors to take a more active approach to philanthropy. By developing local, regional and national partnerships, we will leverage strategic opportunities to address the complex needs of our communities.
Vibrant and Sustainable Communities
Make Our Part of the World Better
We believe strong, vibrant communities are able to confront challenges, nurture the good and create positive change. Such communities require committed leadership and engagement among community members from diverse backgrounds and experiences. As your community foundation, we invest in and support inclusive, community-driven efforts that make our part of the world better.
Engage thoughtfully with communities in our region
Building and strengthening relationships throughout our 20-county region will make our work more reflective of and relevant to the priorities of our communities. We will commit to being present and engaged, learning about community needs and supporting community momentum.
Strengthen community leadership
Strong communities are inclusive, built on diverse backgrounds, perspectives and participation. We will invest in emerging leaders and trusted voices to identify community priorities and advance transformational efforts.
Invest in community organizations and initiatives
Guided by local priorities and engaged residents, we will invest in programs and initiatives that strengthen the social fabric of the community. We will work to improve access to education, promote health and wellbeing, support arts and culture, create economic opportunity and enhance quality of life.
Every Person Thrives
Creating Opportunity For All
We believe individuals thrive in community. Genuine connection and authentic relationships drive lasting and sustainable impact. Each of us matters and if opportunities are not available to everyone, a community cannot move forward together. As your community foundation, we are committed to bringing people together, elevating diverse voices and creating opportunity for all.
Respond compassionately to meet basic human needs
Meeting basic human needs is fundamental to improving the quality of life for everyone. The community foundation will collaborate with community partners to address both systemic issues and immediate needs.
Bring people together to build inclusive communities
We believe in bringing people together and building connections that enrich us all. We seek to develop places and spaces where everyone feels they belong and can participate in decisions that affect their lives.
Expand opportunities and reduce inequity
We recognize that persistent and systemic disparities diminish opportunities. We will work to bridge the divide that isolates and prevents members of our community from recognizing and reaching their full potential.
Commitment to Our Communities
Realizing our vision for vibrant and sustainable communities where every person thrives requires dedication to community leadership and operational excellence.
Community Leadership
The community foundation provides leadership to catalyze transformative change in our region. As a funder and convener, we leverage the following strategies to improve the economic and social wellbeing of our communities:
Civic Engagement
We convene and engage key community stakeholders to identify and address our region’s most promising opportunities and critical challenges.
Data and Research
We use data-influenced decision making to strategically maximize impact and amplify results.
Policy and Advocacy
We use our voice and influence to inform and advocate for key strategies that accelerate systemic change.
Operational Excellence
As responsible stewards of the resources entrusted to us, excellence must be embedded in our every endeavor. With confidence in our operations, we can innovate and take intelligent risks necessary to achieve our vision. Our core commitment to operational excellence includes:
Superior service
We hold ourselves accountable to be respectful and responsive to provide an exceptional experience for our donors and community partners.
Continuous process improvement
We are committed to operational efficiency to ensure maximum resources are dedicated to advancing our mission.
Culture of learning
We challenge ourselves to become better every day by embracing and promoting individual and organizational learning and growth.