Feast World Kitchen ensures every refugee in the Spokane community has the opportunity to thrive

With a vision of ensuring every refugee in the Spokane community experiences welcome and inclusion, Feast World Kitchen supports local refugee chefs to cultivate the cooking and entrepreneurial skills they need to create long-term financial independence. Seeking to deconstruct barriers of fear, racism, and suspicion that refugees often meet upon entering a new community, Feast World’s mission centralizes on the universal language of food to break down barriers and to invite cultural understanding. 

Through the generosity of donors in our community, Feast World has extended their services to the Spokane refugee community throughout the pandemic. Over 60 chef families have served their food and culture through Feast World Kitchen, enriching our community with a vast variety of tasty, authentic cuisine from around the world. Learn more about Feast World’s launch and impact at their website.

Watch the video below to learn more about how the generosity of our partners has supported the vital work of Feast World Kitchen, transforming the lives of refugees in the Spokane community. 

An image of a refugee chef working in the kitchen of Feast World Kitchen.

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