Douglas Family Fund

Ron and Barbara Douglas are longtime Spokane residents who are passionate about serving their community. In 1999, Ron and Barbara Douglas founded the Douglas Family Fund at Innovia, a community fund that provides grants that help respond to the greatest needs in Innovia’s 20-county region each year.   

As an estate planning attorney, co-founder of Douglas Eden law firm and former Innovia Board Chair, Ron wanted to have personal experience with giving through Innovia in order to recommend the foundation to his clients.

“You have to walk the talk,” says Barbara.

A pharmacist at Providence Sacred Heart in Spokane for many years, Barbara deeply believes it is important for everyone to donate time or money to support their community.

You can’t expect to live in a healthy, sustainable community unless you help."

The entire Douglas family has donated time through mentorship programs like Big Brothers Big Sisters. Ron and Barbara and each of their four children mentored little brothers or little sisters through the program.

Community funds like the Douglas’ fund distribute grants to respond to the greatest needs and opportunities in Eastern Washington and North Idaho across a variety of impact areas, like quality of life and education. Committees of local Innovia volunteers review grant applications and choose to fund the most promising programs and organizations.   

Community funds are a great tool for busy people who do not have the time or resources to research which organizations most need their generosity. Innovia staff and volunteers ensure grants are distributed to organizations and programs building vibrant and sustainable communities throughout the region. Of the over 20 nonprofits supported by grants from the Douglas Family Fund in the past 20 years, Ron had heard of only three. Ron and Barbara appreciate that community funds provide the opportunity to support charitable organizations they otherwise would not have known about.   

When asked about the legacy they want to leave, Ron and Barbara say their fund is just the start; it alone is not enough to make a transformational impact in the community. However, their fund, combined with the other community funds at Innovia, grant more than $1 million in distributions each year.   

Ron and Barbara are generous people who want to make sure everyone’s basic needs are met in their community. “No one should be hungry. Everyone should be housed,” says Barbara.   

Recently, the Douglases have devoted more of their time and money to supporting education initiatives in the region. “Everyone should be able to get as much education as they want. Lack of funds should not be a barrier,” Ron says.

They encourage all members of the community to donate what they can to make our region a supportive environment for everyone who lives here.   

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