Sparking Nonprofit Synergy in North Idaho 

Last fall, a need surfaced among the nonprofits tirelessly serving Bonner and Boundary Counties. With common goals and challenges, many executive directors sought collaboration but lacked the bandwidth to create those connections. 

When Dig Chrismer, Innovia’s Rural Engagement Manager for the North Region*, heard murmurs of this need, she launched a monthly Executive Director Co-Lab in Sandpoint. At each gathering, executive directors hear from presenting experts, while also sharing strategies, struggles and successes. 

“Gathering a room of intelligent, compassionate, seasoned and fierce problem-solving executive directors provides a wealth of knowledge for the entire group,” says Ali Baranski, participant and Executive Director of The Festival at Sandpoint. 

With participants from a wide range of nonprofits, the Co-Lab is sparking synergy among nonprofit leaders as they pursue greater impact together. 

*Our Regional Engagement Manager positions are funded, in part, by a generous grant from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust to increase Innovia’s capacity to serve our rural regions. 

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