
A Critical Resource for Those in Crisis

Sometimes one phone call is all it takes to save a life. 

Each year, the Shoshone County Crisis and Resource Center (SCCRC) provides advocacy services to nearly 200 survivors of trauma and violence throughout the county. Many times, these services begin with a phone call to the center’s 24-hour hotline, allowing staff and volunteers to guide callers in their first steps toward safety, recovery and healing. 

Our organization provides the opportunity to empower victims of violent crimes to take back their lives."


From that first call, email or referral, the SCCRC walks side-by-side with their clients by offering emergency shelter services, legal and medical advocacy, community education programs and individual counseling. 

Without their presence, survivors would have to travel up to 70 miles to reach the nearest victim advocacy center in Coeur d’Alene. A recent grant from Innovia will sustain the SCCRC’s impact across the region by enriching programming at the center’s weekly support group for women survivors of violence, the only such group accessible within the Shoshone region. 

“These once-a-week meetings may be the only opportunity for many survivors to receive empowerment from other attendees in a safe environment,” said Kellie. 

Other enhancements provided by the grant include a color printer, a laptop and supplies for weekly offerings, including a homecooked meal, art therapy-minded crafts and educational sessions. 

With the support of their community, the SCCRC is ready to walk alongside any survivor, offering the resources, relationships and hope they need on the path toward healing. 

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