“It is an investment in our most valuable resource – our youth.”

The Chase Youth Commission (CYC) is a voice for all youth in the greater Spokane region. Named after Spokane Mayor Jim Chase, CYC began in 1985 to find solutions to youth problems. Today, CYC advises the Spokane City Council and County Commissioners on youth issues, as well as pursuing its own agenda of programs and community activities. The CYC and its Teen Advisory Council (TAC) sponsor the following: Chase Youth Awards, annual Youth Issues Candidates’ Forum, three youth on boards and commissions, and four student exchange programs.

Their success has led Spokane to be a repeated winner of the 100 Best Communities for Young People competition. This award is based in part on the region fulfulling five promises for youth: 1) Caring Adults, 2) Safe Places, 3) A Healthy Start, 4) An Effective Education and 5) Opportunities to Help Others.

The CYC empowers young people to create, collaborate, be courageous and become leaders. “It is an investment in our most valuable resource – our youth,” says Susan Lane, Executive Director of CYC. “Our projects are funded with charitable gifts to the Chase Youth Foundation. We partnered with Innovia Foundation to help manage our endowment and allow people to make gifts online to support youth.” The Chase Youth Foundation Fund at Innovia Foundation was established in 2011.

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