North Idaho couple establishes fund to benefit at-risk children and animals

Each summer, Jim and Nancy Prussak—who live near the Spokane River in Post Falls—can hear shrieks of glee echoing from Camp Journey, a neighboring summer camp for young survivors of cancer.  

“They have a blast. They don’t have to think about anything but having fun,” Jim says 

These campers inspired the Prussacks to establish a designated endowment fund that will one day benefit the camp, along with the Boys and Girls Club, the Kootenai Humane Society, Post Falls Food Bank and several other North Idaho charities.  

We’re passionate about helping at-risk children and animals, especially in North Idaho,” the couple said. “This is a great way for us to do something positive for our community and to support the causes we care about in perpetuity.” 

The Prussacks are planting seeds for the future with their legacy fund. They will contribute small gifts to the fund over the next decade until a larger gift transfers from their estate. By offering children and families the resources they need to thrive, the Prussacks have established a legacy of generosity that will keep giving back for years to come.  

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