Innovia Foundation Awards Grant to Spokane Word, Amplifying Diverse Voices

Spokane Word, a Spokane-based nonprofit, is amplifying the voices and perspectives of immigrant and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) communities through locally-produced programming broadcasts on radio station KVFS 100.3.

Centered around multi-lingual and multi-cultural perspectives, Spokane Word offers a space in the community where local voices, conversations, stories, concerns, hopes and opportunities are regularly shared to create a more inclusive and connected Spokane.

The station features programs in French, French Creole, Swahili, Spanish and English. With a $10,000 grant from Innovia, Spokane Word is working to increase its signal and provide greater access to its diverse programming, which includes local news, music and more.

“This is the community’s station,” says Spokane Word board member Luc Jasmin. “Through the resources provided by Innovia, we are getting the equipment together to create space for the real experts – community members – to create programs.”

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