Valley Meals on Wheels ensures wellbeing of seniors in Asotin and Nez Perce counties

Valley Meals on Wheels received a $3,000 COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund grant to assist with volunteer coordination and meal delivery for seniors in Asotin and Nez Perce counties.

“Valley Meals on Wheels in Lewiston has experienced an outpouring of support from the community during this challenging time,” said Valley Meals on Wheels Board President Claudia Jones.  “There have been offers to volunteer as meal delivery drivers, donations of homemade face masks, and even a small local business that contributed 15 bottles of hand sanitizer. The LC Valley community is always generous, but especially now.”

A grant from the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund has provided Igloo coolers to place outside the door of clients’ homes. Volunteers leave meals in the coolers to help prevent spreading the virus through person-to-person contact and to protect the health and safety of those served. Funds are also being used to help with the cost of meals and additional staff hours.

“We’ve had a pressing challenge within the past week – the hospital kitchen that prepares and packages the meals we deliver have been unable to purchase meal containers from their usual supplier due to shortages.  They are attempting to patch together supply orders from several companies to meet our need through the end of the month.  Supplies will be more expensive as will the priority shipping to have them delivered by early next week. Thank goodness for the COVID Response & Recovery Funds that will help us to pay the additional expenses. The Funds are making it possible to continue daily meal service to approx. 150 elderly & disabled seniors who depend on us for food, ” said Jones.

“Thank you to Innovia Foundation and the many donors for making this emergency assistance possible,” said Jones.

Click here to see the full list of organizations that received a first round COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund grant.

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