Quality of Life

Inspiring Minds with the Wonders of Nature

Studying forestry among the lush pines or learning about the Steelhead trout swimming through the streams at their feet, students from Troy, Idaho have discovered the wonders of nature at the Neuman Conservation Forest for years. A recent grant from Innovia provided for the construction of a multi-purpose, outdoor educational pavilion on the land, preserving the space for generations of learning and community connection. 

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Big Table Responds to Pandemic Needs

Quality service is service with a smile. This foundational principle of the restaurant and hospitality industry has become increasingly difficult to uphold for the thousands of workers facing COVID-fueled job cuts and health worries.  As a former chef in the restaurant industry and the current Spokane director for Big Table, Chris Dietz knows the pressure workers face all too well: “If that smile goes away, so does the money. It’s

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