

Making Waves with Just 5%

“You don’t need millions to make an impact,” says Aaron McMurray, Chief Strategy Officer at Innovia.
Since the release of a regional transfer of wealth study in 2019, Innovia has joined with local leaders and nonprofits in galvanizing the community around the power of giving back just 5%. The numbers are staggering: $42 billion is expected to transfer generations in Eastern Washington and North Idaho over the next decade. While much of that wealth will go to family members and heirs, the 5% Invested, Fully Committed campaign launched by Innovia inspires people to consider giving 5% in end-of-life generosity to their community.

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Creating Stability and Fostering Collaboration in Sandpoint

For many hard-working people, an unanticipated event like a car breakdown, illness or accident can escalate into a crisis, particularly when access to support and assistance are not easily available. Linnis Jellinek understands that well. As Director of the Community Resource EnVision Center (CREC), Jellinek is dedicated to providing help to those in need and ensuring that the process is streamlined and accessible to all.

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Supporting Babies, Stabilizing Communities

Three-week-old Maddie was delivered to the doorstep of Tricia Hughes in 2008. Over the next months, Hughes, a foster and adoptive mother, cradled Maddie through the symptoms of withdrawal. Now a member of the Hughes family, Maddie received care and support that many babies born under similar circumstances never receive. Headed by Hughes and a dedicated team of volunteers, the nonprofit Maddie’s Place strives to change that reality for babies born in Spokane, where drug-dependency adversely impacts more than 10% of all live births.

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