Couple supports initiatives that address housing insecurity and homelessness

For Dianne Quast and Christina Pegg, ensuring housing security is more than a profession. After spending their careers serving with housing security organizations across the West Coast, both Dianne and Chris have invested their time and talents in volunteer leadership roles at local housing organizations. 

“Without a safe, affordable place to live, it is really hard to have any type of success in life,” says the couple. “It is a foundation.” 

Through their advocacy work, Dianne and Christina have seen housing security serve as a real foundation for healthy families and communities. Both relish the opportunity to introduce housing insecure individuals to their new homes.  

“When a new housing complex opened in Seattle, the new tenant touched every wall, saying ‘this is mine,’ remembers Dianne. “How profound—to not have a home and then to have a home.” 

Dianne and Chris know housing security is a struggle that does not discriminate—rural and urban, young and old need a place to call home. That’s why Dianne and Chris have set aside a portion of their wealth to support initiatives that address housing insecurity and homelessness within the Spokane region. With the built-in flexibility of their fund, Dianne and Chris hope to continue opening doors and strengthening the foundation of the Spokane community for years to come.

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