
5 Percent Invested

Flexible community funds established to ignite generosity in Ferry, Stevens and Pend Oreille Counties

Flexible community funds established to ignite generosity in Ferry, Stevens and Pend Oreille Counties Spokane, Wash. (Dec. 21, 2022) — Innovia Foundation is pleased to announce two new community funds and the restructuring of a third to support the greatest needs and opportunities for three counties in Northeast Washington. Inspired by Innovia’s 5% Transfer of

Flexible community funds established to ignite generosity in Ferry, Stevens and Pend Oreille Counties Read More »

Our communities extend support to those impacted by the war in Ukraine

In response to our community’s desire to aid people in war-torn Ukraine, a leadership group of more than a half-dozen Spokane-area churches has launched the Ukraine Relief Fund to provide emergency relief and refugee assistance.  In recent weeks, concerned residents from across the Inland Northwest – many of whom are Innovia Foundation donors – have

Our communities extend support to those impacted by the war in Ukraine Read More »

Making Waves with Just 5%

“You don’t need millions to make an impact,” says Aaron McMurray, Chief Strategy Officer at Innovia.
Since the release of a regional transfer of wealth study in 2019, Innovia has joined with local leaders and nonprofits in galvanizing the community around the power of giving back just 5%. The numbers are staggering: $42 billion is expected to transfer generations in Eastern Washington and North Idaho over the next decade. While much of that wealth will go to family members and heirs, the 5% Invested, Fully Committed campaign launched by Innovia inspires people to consider giving 5% in end-of-life generosity to their community.

Making Waves with Just 5% Read More »

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